
What a crazy year 2020 has been. As I write this in May, we’ve faced the worst bushfires on record, affecting hundreds of towns and communities across Australia. Now a global pandemic continues to have a devastating effect across the globe. Although our lives have been completely altered, it is amazing how quickly we adapt and start to accept this new normal.

I want to start by acknowledging that this is an incredibly difficult time for a lot of people. Being forced to self-isolate has meant job losses, financial hardship, a rise in depression and mental health issues; and there have been the deaths of more than a quarter of a million people, worldwide. Let’s not forget those affected by the fires; many of whom are still living in caravans and having to self-isolate in cramped and uncomfortable conditions.

There are silver linings, however. At the time of writing this, pollution across the world has fallen dramatically. People can see the stars in places where they have never been able to see them before. Mountains have come into view as the smog clears and blue skies appear. Families are spending more time together. People are stepping out into their gardens and onto balconies and growing food.