Permaculture Around The World

Permayouth is a new space for young permaculture people (11–16 yo) to connect, teach and inspire each other. The Permayouth are dedicated young people who care about the future of the planet. They want to make a positive difference in the world through their everyday lives and see permaculture as a positive and practical way to achieve this.

So far, they have held permaculture camps at Crystal Waters; met online via Zoom every two weeks with me (Morag) as their mentor; have been researching plants; they have written and recorded a song; started a book club; they are writing a permaculture recipe book; and they are teaching each other about permaculture. The group is planning a presentation at the Australasian Permaculture Convergence in 2021; and will be creating youth hubs for an online Permayouth Summit, to connect with the International Permaculture Convergence in late 2021.

There is a growing group of people joining in from across Australia, the UK, Europe, Zanzibar, India and beyond. They are amazing, super keen and super friendly and love having a space to connect up with like-minded young people.