Category Build

Ideas For Designing And Building An Attached Greenhouse


An attached greenhouse is a great feature in any permaculture design because it serves so many functions and is a great way to integrate zone one and zone zero. Your greenhouse can become not only a growing space but also a living space.

Zone zero

An attached greenhouse

  • is an integral factor in the passive solar design of a home, letting in sunshine and trapping and storing heat
  • provides an air lock and living space in colder months
  • is an efficient and convenient work/storage space throughout the year.

Zone one

An attached greenhouse

Pamela Forward


I live on one acre outside of Margaret River, WA.

Tell us about what you do

I am a sustainable building designer, with clients Australia wide. In my work I express commitment to simplicity, beauty and sustainability, underpinned by core values of permaculture. With clients, I prioritise passive solar design, use of local and recycled materials, and minimum ecological footprints with maximum function and flexibility.

I also teach sustainable building design (‘zone zero’) for the Fair Harvest Permaculture Design Certificate, and facilitate workshops on sustainable topics. I love co‑teaching the Living Smart course which takes us all on a journey, scrutinising our households and lifestyles.

Greenhouse Living


Grapevines hanging from the ceiling, trees growing inside, passionfruit within an arm’s reach of the bed – Anneke van Tholen’s greenhouse home takes the term living with nature literally.

Anneke lives on a five acre block in the beautiful Bega Valley in NSW. What stands out most when you enter her home aren’t her abstract paintings, hung from every wall. It’s not the open, spacious design that exudes rustic charm, nor is it the recycled steps leading up to her artist’s studio. It’s the large and bountiful greenhouse that runs the length of the building.

Unlike most greenhouses, Anneke’s is part of her living space. There is no wall or window or barrier between the two; the greenhouse is part of the inside of her home, and it is this that makes it remarkable. What is also remarkable is that it cost less than $60,000 to build, she has no debt, it was built in six months by her and her family, and aside from the slab nearly all of the materials are recycled.