Category Pip Noticeboard

Pip Noticeboard

Pip Magazine Noticeboard

Nominations are open for the 2021 Pip Permie Awards which recognise the individuals and organisations working tirelessly to create positive change. As Australia’s leading permaculture title, Pip will reward the businesses, people and projects who best demonstrate permaculture’s three key ethics of earth care, people care and fair share.

There are three coveted awards up for grabs this year: 2021 Ethical Small Business of the Year, 2021 Permie Project of the Year and 2021 Permie of the Year.  Both the Permie of the Year and the Project of the Year will be featured in a 2022 issue of Pip magazine, while the Ethical Small Business will receive a complimentary advertising package through Pip Media.

To nominate a project or person doing amazing things, head to www.connect. pip-awards and tell us bit about who they are and what they’re up to. The winners will be announced in the final issue of the year.

Pip Noticeboard


Welcome to the milestone of Pip’s 20th issue! An idea conceived a decade ago by founding editor Robyn Rosenfeldt who was not only committed to reducing her and her young family’s impact on the planet, but who wanted to inform, inspire and encourage people all around the country to do the same.

Through relentless hard work and from humble beginnings, Pip has grown from a great idea and flourished into a highly respected media company to which readers, followers and listeners turn to for well-informed and inspirational content whenever and however they want it. And as Robyn wrote in her very first editorial in Issue 1 back in 2014, ‘This magazine is for you.’ And we can’t wait to bring you the next 20!

Pip Noticeboard



Seed Mob is set to become Australia’s first Indigenous youth-led environmental organisation. With a vision of a just and sustainable future powered by renewable energy, this national grassroots network of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people have set out to protect country, culture and communities from the impacts of climate change. Support the creation of Seed Mob by donating, joining or becoming a partner. More info can be found at

Pip Noticeboard

More readers, more content and we’ve been nominated for a gong! And it’s all thanks to you

In these uncertain times, we want to take a moment to spread the positive tidings of Pip’s very bright future. Between a significant spike in reader engagement, a switch up to four issues each year and a fast-growing team of passionate and talented staff, it all points to more informative, entertaining and inspiring content for you, more often.

As Australians look to become more self-reliant through sustainable living and permaculture practices, Pip has doubled both its print subscribers and online engagement. The growth in interest in what Pip does best has inspired us to do it better; we’re creating stories, features, videos and podcasts that are more accessible, more informative and even more inspiring for you to live the life you want to live. And if our readership results weren’t enough to let us know we’re on the right track, we’re delighted to announce Pip has been nominated for the Publishing Company of the Year industry award! We’re up against some big hitters and will be announced early next month. So thanks to each and every one of you for being part of the growing and vibrant Pip community. Without you and your ongoing support we wouldn’t be able to grow. And the fact we can grow in these times shows people are thinking more about the way they live their lives and the impact it has on their planet.



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Permaculture co-originator, David Holmgren, has launched his bestselling book, RetroSuburbia: the downshifter’s guide to a resilient future, published as a pay-what-you-feel online book. His decision is in response to the latest health and economic crisis, that has galvanised enthusiasm in permaculture and kindred circles. David hopes his book will inspire those who have been ‘stuck’ at home with digital access and time to read.


Nominations are now open for the 2020 Pip Permie Awards. The awards will be presented at the Australasian Permaculture Convergence in Brisbane, in April 2020. There are two awards:

Best Permie Project: Open to projects which are current, create positive change and demonstrate the permaculture ethics of earth care, people care and fair share. Winner receives $250 for their project.

Permie of the Year: For the permaculture practitioner working to create positive change in the world. They will demonstrate the three permaculture ethics in their work, of earth care, people care and fair share. Winner receives a lifetime subscription to Pip Magazine.

To nominate a project or person, email us at with their name, location and age. Include a brief description about what they are doing, how they demonstrate the permaculture ethics and why you think they should win.


The next Australian Permaculture Convergence is being organised by Northey Street City Farm in Brisbane’s Windsor. The Convergence will kick off with a permaculture festival on Sunday, 19 April that will run in conjunction with Northey Street’s bustling organic market. The festival will showcase community gardens from around the region, sustainable living in cities, and you can visit Northey Street’s established permaculture garden. The four-day convergence to follow, held in Redland Bay, will include a full program of speakers, workshops, presentations and awards. The exciting array of keynote speakers already includes Starhawk, Stuart Andrews and Robin Frances. Accommodation and camping available at the PGL Kindilan site.