
I was asked recently what brought me to the place I am in today: the editor of a permaculture magazine, living in the country on a property with an evolving permaculture design, teaching permaculture, growing food, eating well and trying to bring up my kids to understand and respect the planet.

It made me stop and think: haven’t I always been this way inclined? I’ve always felt a connection to nature, but I definitely wasn’t brought up as the daughter of activists or living on a commune: I grew up in middle class, suburban Melbourne.

So what caused me to choose the life I have right now? When did I start to have this affinity with the earth, and wanting to do the best for her? Was it annual camping trips immersed in nature? Was it watching my dad garden when I was a child, and growing my first carrots? Was it getting arrested for protesting against uranium mining? Was it the feeling of belonging I had among others who felt the same way? Was it setting up my own garden and growing my own food? Was it completing my permaculture design course?

Well, it was all of those things. It has been a slow evolution, a gradual opening up and a growing awareness of what effect my actions and choices have, not only on the planet but on other humans and society in general.

I’ve been learning constantly since I started Pip Magazine; with each issue I gain a greater awareness and