FIVE OF A KIND – Winter wellness herbs

While winter can conjure cozy thoughts of being snuggled around fires, it also brings with it a host of sniffles, colds and flu which get us down. That doesn’t have to be the end of the story though, not if you know how to care for yourself naturally at home with simple herbal remedies. People have been using herbal medicine for thousands of years – chamomile and yarrow has been found in the teeth of Neanderthals! All the herbs featured here have a long history of use for the immune and/or respiratory systems. All five are readily available and are delicious when incorporated into everyday life, either preventatively or when illness strikes. There’s a lot of information written about herbal medicine these days, but you honestly don’t need to know it all or do it all, you can start with just a few tried and true herbs to support you and your family. If you’re keen to learn to use herbs for winter wellness, explore these five this winter.