GAME, SET, PATCH – Converting a decades-old tennis court into a productive vegetable garden.

For Jaclyn Crupi and her partner Andrew Stewardson, transforming a disused tennis court into a productive vegie garden was about finding a design that balanced history, happiness and health.

In 2019, Jaclyn and Andrew acquired half an acre on the Mornington Peninsula, less than 100 kilometres southeast of Melbourne. On it stands a mid-century home that remains practically unchanged from what would have been regarded a quite forward-thinking build in its day, right down to the pantry’s cold cupboard next to the small original kitchen at the rear of the home.

Imagined by Andrew’s grandmother and designed by his grandfather in 1948, the home has been the Stewardson family’s holiday destination for as long as Andrew can remember. Filled with as much light as important memories, it’s not the building we’re here to see, but the impressive enclosed vegetable garden Jaclyn and Andrew have created on the property’s original tennis court.