Seed Saving: Beans

Saving seeds is magical, economical, political and essential, all at the same time. It projects us into a future of abundance and security by nurturing our local food supply.

It’s spring! So it’s a great time to start with a small handful of beans. Check out if you need help to choose a variety. And then follow these simple steps.

Decide what quantity you want to save – for seed for next year, for eating green and maybe some for putting aside for a winter stew.

Choose a non-hybrid variety. If your local seed savers don’t have what you want, see the big range at

Set aside a number of plants in the row for seed only. At the end of the season when the plant has turned brown, remove these at ground level and hang them in a dry spot. Or, eat beans as the plants grow, and remember to leave some pods to dry out at the end of the season.