HEARTWOOD REST – built from locally sourced and reclaimed materials

These owner builders set out to blend open- plan communal living with soft edges, natural materials and exquisite attention to detail.

After living in a tiny house for four years, Adam and Sian’s dream of strawbale home started to take shape in 2017 when they purchased half an acre of land on Gadubanud country, in Deans Marsh, Victoria. A north-facing township block with a gentle fall to the north, it was a blank canvas of pastureland, apart from five mature fruit trees. Importantly though, it boasted high-clay soil which they were able to use in the construction of their home.

With experience in construction specialising in natural building, Adam designed the house with a commitment to make it as sustainably as possible. Now, six years on, the result is a 227 m2 single-level, solar-passive designed building with a star rating of 7.9.