Tag Issue 1 Premium

International Permaculture Convergence 11, 2013 Cuba


After the three most unsustainable days of my life, spent mostly in aeroplanes and hotel rooms, we arrived in Cuba for the eleventh IPC in late November and early December last year.

First up was a conference held over three days in Havana. We were treated to a great overview of permaculture from speakers from around the globe, in both English and Spanish. Day 1 was ‘Permaculture on islands’. Day 2 focused on ‘Climate change’ and Day 3 was on ‘Urban permaculture’ with examples of inspiring community-based projects and organisational structures.

Following the conference there was a day of urban tours. The food gardens were inspiring, combining permaculture with other areas of life – one with anti-violence education, another a car detailing business!

The highlight was Organoponico Vivero Alamar, a commercial food production system in the suburbs which brought approving gasps