Letters To The Editor

Thanks for your latest edition, I’m loving what you’re doing. I have saved my own seeds for years, but got slack after moving and was caught wanting when the pandemic caused a seed crisis. As a person who would only buy and use one packet of seeds, I was incredulous when I couldn’t source any – even online! Unfortunately, most people who bought up big on the seeds would probably never use that many, and many seeds got wasted. Thankfully, a few of my seed-saving friends saved the day.

I would love to see some more articles featuring Darwin and its surrounding areas. Our climate is a bit different to places like Cairns, Katherine, Kununurra or Broome. Soil health, like most tropical arid climates, is devoid of nutrients but, with lots of composting, we can get it into shape and grow lots of wonderful fruit and vegies.

It also amuses me that something like a southern-grown lettuce is really popular, when we have so many greenleaf alternatives common in southern Asia that grow like weeds up here in Darwin. Anyway, keep up the good work. It puts a smile on my face whenever your magazine hits the newsagent’s shelves.