International Permaculture Convergence, India

International permaculture convergences (IPCs) are an opportunity for people from all over the world to get together and share their passion for permaculture. With 1200 participants from over 60 countries at the latest IPC held in India last November and December, there was a wide representation from across the globe.

Bill Mollison and Robyn Francis came to India 30 years ago and taught the first PDC (permaculture design course). One of their first students on that course was Narsanna Koppula, who went on to create Aranya Farm. He has transformed a semi-arid wasteland into a productive and thriving demonstration farm, where he teaches and spreads the word of permaculture.

Narsanna has been instrumental in establishing permaculture in India, and from what I could see, there is a thriving permaculture movement there (so important when you have companies like Monsanto coming in and taking over). Narsanna and his wife Padma were responsible for this conference and convergence, and what an amazing job they did. In a country where things don’t always go to plan or run on time, they assembled an amazing program with the help of a team of hard working volunteers.